Evan Slater


Evan Slater's pictureI am a Computer Science major at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and looking for a Full time position.

When I create a project, I go in with the mindset of making sure to place the opertunity for both reuse and expandion. This is currently being expanded upon via the reaserch I am doing for my senior project. Said reaserch is about how to create a programing project that a 3rd party can add new featurs to by only placing a file into a folder, not needing to open up and eddit any existing code. Along side of this, I have been focusing on how to optimize software in other aspects as well. This all culminates into my focuse of creating software with an arcitecture focusing on simplisity of expandability.

My school and self-projects that I have done have exposed me to a verity of languages and systems. Though all of this, I have found that am able to learn how to use these languages and faster than my peers. The reason that I can pick up language so fast comes from what I focused on when I learn and improve my programing abilities. Instead of focusing on learning to use the features individually languages give, I learn on the general concepts that can be used between languages.