NeetCurves VersionsThis is one of my semi ongoing projects that I tend to recreate when I have a new enviorment to create it in. Currently It is on version 6 but versions 1,2,3 have been lost. The background for this project is a shape called a Cardioid. This shape uses a constant multiplyer to connect points together with a line and NeetCurve is like an animation of what happens when the constant is slownly increasing
Euba website
Link to siteResently I have startd working with older organizations that are not huge but do need a website. Im most of these cases the websites are not made entirely from scratch but using tools like squarespace but still incorperate custom code to add features to the site that are not normaly avalible with the tools given
Arcade Project
Download the source codeIn on of my first classes in collage, I was partnered up to recreate an atterie game. This ended up taking a few weeks to create and throuought the whole prosses we had development meeting and set milestones for ourselfs
Factorio mods
Link to my factorio modsI have created mods for this game before on my own time for fun. They target to either improve part of the game or to add something to the game that I want. I tend to avoid making compleate overhauls however